Advice and tips on caring for electronic books that will help keep your pocket library of a long life and a comfortable pastime.

How To Care For E-Book:

In order for your e-book continued to work as long as possible, and to be in good working order and safety, you must heed the following advice.

1. First, you should carefully choose you like a copy of the purchase. To do this, you need to carefully examine the book, especially the screen when it is on: it should not be a straight or broken lines.

2. For the best protection against any kind of damage, it is advisable to use protective accessories. For example, the film protects the screen from damage, moreover cures sun glare. Special cover useful when electronic book often have to carry with him in a bag. This cover protects against damage by touching objects.

3. adversely affecting the books strong hypothermia or overheating, sudden changes in temperature. The reason is that any screen e-book contains a liquid. Do not expose to e-book penetration of direct sunlight, especially for a long time. In the cold winter months it is not necessary to leave the book on the windowsill. Each instruction includes permissible temperature range at which to enjoy the book.

4. It is necessary to take care of the screen. Not acceptable strong pressure on the surface of the screen, twisting or the clicking on it, it is forbidden to put it any heavy objects. There are special straps to secure the electronic books on hand. They are indispensable when using public transport, which involves frequent stops and sudden jerks while riding. Special straps exclude the likelihood of falling.

Rules Of Care Of E-Books
Rules Of Care Of E-Books

5. The most frequent cause of failure of electronic books become kinks and bends the body. This happens due to falls or due to uneven pressure on the body.

6. Clean the screen should be done in a circular motion using special wipes. The same tissues are provided for conventional monitors. If such tissue is not at hand, you can use any soft, soft cloth dampened with water.

7. Be sure to regularly update the firmware. This will provide access to new opportunities of electronic books. The procedure prior to its beginning provides for the mandatory introduction of instruction. For some devices, update firmware offers products webpage.

8. It is not necessary to get rid of the guarantee seal. It increases the chances of repair under warranty, of course, if there are no signs of mechanical damage. The seal is located on the lid of the battery .

9. Buy e-books should be only at authorized merchants. And ask for repair is only authorized service centers, which provide professional assistance.

If you observe all of the above tips, you use the e-book can be a very long time. Do not neglect these rules.

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